Nanonife prostrate

1 minute read time.

My second post 7th March 2018

So I was diagnosed jan this year and had a PSMA scan that showed that the cancer showed possible spread into seminal vesical area. My consultants advised radical surgery to remove prostrate and seminal vesicals. This came as a big shock as I had initially thought that it had remained confined. 

Now in the PSMA report one word bothered me and that was possible invasion into seminal vesicular area. I contacted my gp and discussed this and we decided to ask for a revisit on the conclusion. My consultant went on two week break in which time I was worried but still thought that I needed an explanation as to my diagnosis. I asked for a meeting with my consultant to go over results. He looked over the PSMA and my earlier MRI scans. On reflection he said that he now believed that the cancer had not broken out and that nanonife can now take place. WOW it seems that the PSMA is good at looking for cancer breakout all over the body but the MRI is better to see the smaller detail right at the edge of the prostrate. He could see a gap between the two areas.

Now I understand that with all my tests that I am right on the limit of nano being possible and in fact this whole exercise may prove to be pointless if in three months I find that it had indeed spread.   For me it was important to try and avoid erectile or Incontinence  problems. Only time will tell if this all works.

On Friday afternoon I will be in the princess grace hospital for nanonife surgery then 2 days wait in a hotel before returning to have the catheter removed on Monday. 

I think that nanonife surgery is of interest to many out there and I will continue to post to show my experience.  I am self funding but also pursuing my Medicle insurer to try and get a contribution. 

Cheers for now. I’ll post again post op.
