Obtaining Travel Insurance

1 minute read time.

My wife Carol was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in May 2015. At that time we had already booked to go on a cruise in June 2016, we decided not to cancel but to "wait and see". Carol has had surgery and has recently finished chemotherapy so I decided to get some quotes for travel insurance. I am recounting my experience here and trust it will help others to find the right package at the right price.

I made six applications in all, two companies refused to offer cover and the remaining four offer cover at prices ranging from £1,300 down to £380. We decided to go with the cheapest quote, not just because of the price, but also because the cover seemed to be as good if not better than the more expensive offers. The company in question is called Insurewith. Their medical questionnaire was far more comprehensive than the other companies and I guess this is why they are able to assess the exact risk and offer terms accordingly.

The price I paid was for a two week cruise for two people, I understand that similar cover for a European land holiday would have been about half the price I paid. The cancellation cover was for £10,000, the other quotes were for cover up to £3,000 or £5,000
