
1 minute read time.

Feeling depressed tonight and really don' want to live a life with my mum not in it she is my best friend and we are 2 peas in a pod. She has stage 4 cancer they think womb but test still on going and is in lining of the lung she is 72 well 73 next month. The doctors say it' treatable but not curable. They are taking ages to pinpoint what cancer and longer it' being missed the longer not being treated and will go terminal . 

When the time come and mum' no longer here I really don't want to live. I won' kill myself but I don' want a life with mum not in it. I am focussing on here and now and enjoying each day with mum. She is terrified and keeps begging me not to let her die it's horrendous and I am angry at cancer and shocked as cancer doesn't run in our family even tho I know it doesn't have too but more chance getting it if it does. 

It' come as a huge shock she had no symptoms and only go bleeding from womb when stage 4 they call it a silent killer I'm angry and terrified and spend my time reassuring my mum and giving her hope. 

Any advice or kind words I would be grateful 

Lucy xx

  • FormerMember

    Ha sorry I knew was Paul it' because my brothers wife's called Paula. Yea u would do terrible time:( im forcing food down me no sure why as I don' want to carry on when' mum' not here but I will how old is your Mum? Mine is 73 next month far too young nowadays. Are u managing to sleep?

    Lucy x

  • FormerMember

    My mum is nearly 70, since my dad died 14 years ago, she has just battled on working, and just been my best friend and someone to talk to.

    I run my own business and since finding out, started to take my eye of the ball with it, my eating has always been great, don’t wana eat now, and sleeping if I can anytime if the day, very restless in the nights

  • FormerMember

    Young nowadays isn't it sorry about your dad :( my dad has cancer and has had it for 12 years his is prostate and slow growing. Have you got anyone supporting you with your mum and is she in hospital or at home? My mum is at hospital she's had another stroke which is frustrating and the cancer she has Is stage 4 they think womb but taking ages to pinpoint it due to other illnesses. Yea I agree nites are worst I'm awake all nite and then sleeping in morning/afternoon in between hospital visits. Have you rang the Macmillan helpline I find them really good. Understandable u taking eye off the ball.with work ur under a huge amount of stress

    Lucy x

  • FormerMember

    My wife is being as good as can be, she lost her mum and dad last year, so is still dealing with that, my mum is as normal at the moment, but has lost loads of weight, we should be told this week hopefully what time we will or should expect, she suffers empsemier and breathing problems, feel so useless with her and would prefer she stay with us, on the other hand it would probably kill me to see her unwell.  I’ve always dreaded me loosing my mum

  • FormerMember

    terrible times for you and your wife hopefully can find some comfort supporting each other. Hope you have good results awful seeing the person you love disappearing before you incredibly painful horrendous in fact! I want my mum home but I agree so painful it' like the world looks the same but everything so different now. I too have always feared losing my mum my biggest fear ever. Feel so useless and powerless. Just got to keep going for our lovely mum's and do the best we can take each day at a time No matter how terrible life gets soldier on and keep reaching out for support :)