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I’m sad all the time. Not depressed but pissed and confused. I want my mom back and I learned my family is useless and I feel so lost and lonely. I’m a grown adult and I hate myself for feeling this way. 

  • FormerMember


    U have just lost ur mom so don't beat yourself up for being sad, upset, and confused. U have every rite to feel like this, its normal. And yes ur a adult but when ur lost the most important woman in the world to you it doesnt matter how old u are.

    I'm so sorry u are going throught this. I dontd know wot else to say. :(

    Plz take time for you, i know from losing my mom 11yrs ago (not from cancer) that it takes time to get over the shock and hurt.


  • FormerMember

    It' s normal to feel like this what you are going through is terrible and a massive loss . It doesn't matter what age you are she was your mum and will.hurt like hell.and is terribly.traumatic. takeneaxh day as it comes and give yourself credit for.little achievements like having a bath or posting on here as these same things are huge when you've suffered a.massive loss.

    Sorry to hear your family aren' supprting you and are useless I am here anytime you need to talk.

    Big hugs

    Lucy xx

  • FormerMember


    So sorry for your loss. I know how you feel. My Mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer in Sept of 1987. The surgeons did everything they could to help her but it was only a matter of time. She had suffered with symptoms not telling us what she was going thru. She did not have insurance and could not afford to pay for anything. She lived until Sept of 1988. I was 25 years old then. Now, I'm 55 and it still feels like I lost her yesterday. I think of her and how my children never got a chance to meet her. They were robbed of a wonderful Grandma. If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't have married and moved away. I would have worked and given her all the money. She would be living with me of course or I could have stayed with her. The hospital took her in and treated her for free. Even the doctors waived their bills. I had just started working at the hospital so they treated her a little special. The only thing I regret is that we were not with her when she passed. We just got a phone call in the middle of the night. I of course took a week off of work. Went to visit my doctor for something for my nerves. I dug into work. Work saved me. In not real sure I dealt with it right and really grieved for her. She was the best.

    As for your Mom, she would not want you to live this way. Give yourself time. Believe me, it takes some time. Go see your doctor for something to help you cope. It's a major life adjustment to go thru and its not easy. Take care and please let us know how you are doing.