My face now 2 years post surgery

Less than one minute read time.

As you can see from this picture the graft on my nose is hardly recognisable now and my forehead is covered by my fringe but in actual fact the scar has really faded anyway. I just wanted you all to see my pictures before during and after surgery for those of you who are waiting for or currently going through the same process that i went through 2 years ago and to show you that although at the time its hard to believe but there is actually light at the end of the tunnel. 

Sorry for the photos I posted being very unflattering but it's hard to find a decent photo of yourself when you're going through various stages of this process. 

I wish everyone going through this process a speedy recovery and all the best for the future 

Many Thanks for viewing I hope these pictures will help some if you 

Angie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello . I am now day 5 after forehead flap for BCCnose. I just wanted to say how helpful your photos are in keeping up my morale. I look at them every day. They also helped to prepare my husband and sons  beforehand for what was to come and how good it can be eventually. Thank you so much. 

    I am finding it tough as I have had to stop all pain relief as gut went solid! Enema yesterday. Great way to spend Easter!

    Also so hard needing magnifying glass for everything  as no glasses allowed. Still lots of black crusty ooze and cannot clean off as not allowed to touch graft.  Appointment tomorrow.  Any ideas for pain and irritation relief? Mine has daily gel to apply under a sticky dressing layer.

  • FormerMember

    Hi mooomm

    Thank you for replying to my post and the kind comments. I had oozing for a few weeks that I cleaned off using saline and q tips the best I could. I found I felt better just cleaning off the goo and dried stuff from my cheeks and under the flap itself a few times a day just to get relief from the tight feeling. I applied the gel to the dressings also to keep them moist and not drying out. Sorry that you can't take pain relief maybe you could try breathing exercises or meditation. If you like camomile tea that could have calming effects. It's a horrible predicament to be in while you're going through it. Everyday is a different day I found. Although I wasn't in a great deal of pain it was still a shock looking in the mirror everyday. It will feel better once they remove your stitches/staples and the dressing. You can clean it better and it eventually stops oozing as much and looks like its shrinking if that makes sense. You just have to tell yourself it's not forever and a few weeks of looking like something off star trek and feeling a bit down is worth it to be cancer free.

    Good luck with your recovery and feel free to ask anything you want.


    Angie xx

  • FormerMember

    Why can't I see pictures?

  • FormerMember

    Hi 2ndfiddle

    Sorry you're having difficulty with my blog.

    Have you tried clicking on my username then blogs? The pics are all there as attachments i think so you'll have to click on each pic that way I think .



  • FormerMember

    Hi 2ndfiddle

    You have to click on my username ... scroll down and click on my blog posts then click on the heading for each post 

