Story so far

2 minute read time.

Hi everyone after feeling ill bloated nauseus and tired with ongoing trips to the doctors since 19th december I was smacked in the face with the biggest devastation I had cancer, a rare cancer called low grade serous cancer of the overies. 

My life had just rebegun and was finally perfect. In March last year I fell totally in love and left my ex of 10 years to be with him( best thing iv ever done) we had the perfect year we trained together went on dates, holidays, surprised each, celebrated our "firsts" together and finally moved in together. Totally inseparable. We spoke about marriage and children and everything was like a fairytale. This year was going to be a new year better then the last but on the 18th of January we was struck with the s****y news! With no time to get my head round it I'm undergoing extensive ultra radical surgery in a weeks time.

How am I feeling?

At this moment in time I could cry and never stop I feel guilty for what I'm about to put my partner through. Worried about who's gonna look after him and scared I'm going to push him away!!!! 

I'm so angry I could punch something!!!!

I feel like I'm going to awake a different person, plunged into menopause, infertility and left with a horrendous scar. How is my perfect man going to adjust to that? How am I going to cope knowing I can never have his baby?

I'll be spending 2 weeks in icu so Valentine's is out the window although I do have a few surprises lined up for him. He needs to know how much I love him. I feel like we were meant to be together so that he could give me strength to get through this.

The anxiety is just building and building and I find myself getting more jealous and paranoid someone's going to take my place.

I'm petrified of needles, drains, swallowing pills, being confined to a bed, the pain im going to feel and the unknown.

I just pray he's the first thing I see when I open my eyes. Sorry for the soppy first blog!

After writing this I feel much better, speaking about my feelings has never been easy and i just bottle stuff up, maybe I'll become an avid blogger!! Haha. Anyway hopefully ill have more days like this where i can keep you all updated. And I would love to here from people in a similar situation xx

  • FormerMember

    hi,, i too have low grade..not alot of research into this as so few get it..its always high grade...i too like you got a smack on the face last april when doc phoned CA125 was 1406 which meant nothing to me..i cant hav any ops due to my breathing..had killed off some small bits but not where the ovaries are...low grade is hard to get through to  with chemo...right now my CA is 316 so thats good news...

    you have to take it one day at a time..if your man loves you then children will be last thing on his mind..dont push him away.. get all the info you can..write things you want to ask as you think of them & take when you see consultant..i wish you all the best & hope op goes well..if u dont mind me asking what are they taking away....take care xx

  • FormerMember

    SSurgery day tomorrow. It's 1pm and it's jist hit me floods of tears. This morning I looked in the the mirror and for the first time appreciated the way my body looked. If I knew this was going to happen i would of never moaned about my little flabby hips or my small boobs. This time tomorrow I'm going to have the most hideous scar and within 6 months lose all my hair.

    II know my scar will fade and my hair will grow back but I don't want to wait for that and I don't want my partner to see that!!! We had a great sex life and I'm scared we'll never get it back. Tried tonight he's not interested . I just want my old life back and I feel deep down im going to be stuck with thus low grade shit. What's living if I have to maintain this for the rest of my life!!????