TNBC plus lymph nodes, diagnosed 26 Oct 17, new treatment changes

1 minute read time.

Morning. I recently joined the group and have decided to add my story. I was diagnosed 26 Oct 17 with TNBC with activity in the lymph nodes. I started FEC-T 24 Nov but after 2 courses the lump had not shrunk. I was changed to T sooner at chemo3 but this was too strong my neutrophil count which was very low. 

I just started a different cocktail of weekly Paclitaxol with Carboplatin to be added in every 3 weeks. I had both on Friday 26 Jan. I have felt well over the weekend.

I have been very strong and positive but did wobble when the tumour hadn’t shrunk. I have also had a skin biopsy which showed the cancer had spread to the lymphatic channels which wasn’t the best news as it can accelerate spread and future recurrence but I am confident the Taxotere has reduced the colouration.

I need to get refocused on my positivity. I am walking, doing yoga and a lovely friend bought me chanting beads (you will try anything right!?). I am blessed with super family and friends supporting me and not forgetting my dog!

I feel very supported reading your stories as you do feel a bit alone with TNBC and so much unknown.

I have a very positive story of a friend who underwent FEC-T and when her breast was removed it was cancer free before her op. She is now onto her radiotherapy. A great story.

Wishing you all the best out there.

Kind regards 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Star5

    Did you mean to post this as a New Discussion in the Triple Negtive Breast Group you joined ? (as this has come up as a blog post)

    Do check out and get involved with the regular monthly chemo club in the Main Breast Group too where all the chemo ladies help support and advise eachother during their sessions. Most triple neg ladies are members of both groups.

    You can find January's Chemo Club here(the Februray club will start on the 31st) - There is a section about 'Chemo Tips' in the very first message.

    Hope this is of some help and that the chemo is kind to you.

    Take care, G n' J