Round #4 EC finished now 'T' to look forward to....

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Round 4 of EC was on Wednesday 28/3. Following day was not bad, touch of heartburn Friday and Saturday however, by Sunday steroids had finished and felt awful. Meltdown once again (however, think I am managing them slightly better now), just felt so, so tired and no energy once again. Spent most of Sunday and Monday laid up on settee sleeping on and off. Tuesday DH back to work and tried to do some housework but again no energy and just took ages doing the slightest thing.

To top it all my darling Honey (cat) was not well all over Easter and I know she has kidney disease and think the end is very near now. We wanted and hoped she would die peacefully at home but this is not going to happen in all reality and called vet with appt for Wednesday. This has not helped with emotions that are really running high at the moment (both Honey and chemo not a good mix).

Still have bad taste in mouth and have been very achy this time, started around the weekend and still aches and pains by Friday (6/4).

My darling Honey has now gone for the long sleep. She is at peace now and not suffering however, I am distraught. She has been good company while off work and always talked to her but I know it was for the best and if left any longer it would have been selfish off me. Doesn’t help with the hurting though.

Am trying some pineapple today as it has been recommended on forum so will see how that goes.

Been to supermarket today with DH and still no energy levels to speak off and ended up with raging backache, couldn’t wait to get home.

SE are slowly going but it is the energy levels I can’t cope with. They have definitely got worse after each chemo session. Just walking up the stairs I end up puffing and panting and having to sit on the bed to get my breathe!!!

So, my last EC was #4 and now have 3 sessions of the ‘T’ to look forward to, absolutely dreading it!!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Taralou.  If food tastes funny it might be fungus under your nails.  We don't realize that each time you take a bite you are raising your hand to your mouth.  The cancer and chemo kill most of your good bacteria which encourages fungus to grow.  Look at your finger nails and toe nails.  If there is a darkening or yellowing you probably don't have enough good bacteria left to fight off the bad.   Check with your doctor.  Mine suggested soaking my toes and fingers in plain vinegar mixed with water.  I soaked them twice a day for about 10 minutes and by the third day I could eat again.   You will make it through this.  It is like the flu.  A really bad flu.  There are a lot of ways to help make it easier.  The chemicals will sometimes dry up your salivary glands and cause sores in your mouth as well as making you very thirsty even after you drink something.  The first time it happened to me, I looked like I had the mumps.  Brach's Lemon drops my Dr. suggested.  My sister went to the drug store and picked up a bag of lemon drops for me.  Within a few seconds of putting one in my mouth there was a loud pop.  Sucking on the sour lemon candy had opened up my salivary glands.  Liquid came rushing into my mouth.  The relief was amazing.  Tell your oncologist if any problem comes up.  A lot of issues caused by the chemo can be fixed easily.  Good luck.  You can do this.