Day one ( ICE chemo)

1 minute read time.

So it’s janu 24 2018 around 11:20pm. I’m laying in the hospital bed at Rush hospital in Chicago. I had a busy day and thought this would be a great way to write everything down. 

I arrived around 9am and got brought to my very nice large room. My bed is super comfortable and there is a open couch in here for visitors who wanna spend the night, a lovely lounging chair that is near the window that looks out to the whole entire down town. It’s absolutely beautiful! I wasn’t expecting this and I’m happy so far my first day went well.

My nurse Melissa gave me a tons of ant sick meds and hooked me up for my first chemo around 1:30pm that ran for 30 mins and I was done I’m still hooked up to fluids tho. But after that me and my mom hung out we watched tv got some food and I got to take a nice shower and put on my own pjs! Now I’m relaxing writing you guys and watching some of old tv shows! 

I let my mom go home today since I felt ok and I rather her be home today with my daughter making life as normal as possible and to get her ready for school. I know tomorrow is another day filled with chemo and meds again I hope I have an ok day like I did today.  

  • FormerMember

    Hi from London

    I hope the rest of your treatment goes well and you are home in no time with your daughter. Your room sound incredible better than our NHS

    I had a small breast cancer last year and have had Radiotherapy but there are always people on here to talk to.

    Here is a virtual hug for you

    Wendy W

  • Ok Little Miss Anxiety, well done you for getting through the first day. Your room sounds great and it does help if your surroundings are relaxing. Both my SCTs were done in new cancer hospital so the rooms were great. We also had access to a Spa facility so my wife and I could get a massage, nails, hair done and lots of treatments in a very relaxing environment.

    How the Online Community works, a lot of the folks on the SCT forum will miss or just not see your blog so remember to keep them up to date with your progress.

    Lets look for your journey to be uneventful.

    Highlander ((hugs))

  • FormerMember

    Bravery does not adequately describe what I am reading on this site.  I hope I can live up to all you guys.  Love and good luck.

  • FormerMember

    Bravery does not adequately describe what I am reading on this site.  I hope I can live up to all you guys.  Love and good luck.