My visitor

2 minute read time.

My visitor is a stage 3, diffuse b cell lymphoma.  The first we noticed it had come to visit was after an exray in August.

From there I had a contrasting CAT scan on September 1st.  This showed a small mass in the middle of my chest.  My lungs are perfect thank goodness.  It recommend I have a PET scan, an ebus and to see someone in respiratory.

I had my PET scan on September 20th.

The staff at Clatterbridge scanning department, where friendly and talked me through each step of the process.

My first appointment with Dr Whabi a respiratory consultant, on September 21st.  He referred me for the ebus procedure.

Things move fast when you get sent to hospital on a fast track referral.

I'm used to having endoscopes so I wasn't to fussed with the ebus.

On September 26th, I get the dreaded call to say following the PET scan, they found something in my nose and I was being fast tracked to ENT.

I'm a little worried now.

Had my ebus on September 28th.

Things where going great till I starred coughing.  I'm coughing a lot more than usual these days.

They had to give me more sedative to calm me as I panicked and thought I couldn't breath.

Appointment with ENT was October 4th.  The doctor said he didn't think there was anything to worry about, that's good news.  He referred me for a nose biopsy.

October 5th I sore Dr Whabi.  There no results yet of cause.  He told mW they where looking for lymphoma and some other things which I don't remember.

Dr Whabi has fast tracked me to Liverpool Heart & Chest hospital.

Well its October 11th and that means nose biopsy day.  

The fast track scheme seems to be working well.
