Stomach and Oesophagos (junction) cancer

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Hi my partner was diagnised in Nov with stomach and oesophagas cancer at the junction. We married on 24th Nov and had a beautiful day.

He is very depressed and im trying everything to keep home as normal. He has has 2 months chemo and now hopefully it has shrunk enough ready for total stomach removal. However his discomfort is a lot worse and he is worried it has spread further yet he wont speak to the hosp about this, he has a scan today and will know by next monday. 

I wish he would talk with others to help. Problem is he knows a great deal about cancers and maybe has to much knowledge.  I just dont know how to help him other than encourage and be there. Its hard as daughter of 37 also having chemo and youger brothers has Cancer now for 8 yrs

  • FormerMember

    Well so we visited the oncologist yesterday to have results of latest CT scan , if the cancer had shrunk from the 2 chemo sessions then next step was full stomach removal. However we get informed that the stomach wall looks as though it may have thickened, this could be either inflamtion caused by the chemo or at worse the cancer.  So now another hoop to jump through for my husband, having already jumped through 9 so called hoops to get this far since Nov hen first diagnosed. 

    Next a laposcopy to stage it again ! and then either another lot of chemo, or proceed with the op.

    What we cant seem to get our heads around is , if the chemo so far hasnt helped then why more chemo?? surely it would be best to go ahead and operate whilst its still operable.  Apparently the latest thinking on this type of cancer seem to say that the best option is chemo first,  operation next, then chemo again.  Surley everyone is an individual person and should be treated as such and if the chemo may show signs of not helping and, it is still operable then why wait further. It seems my husbands window of opportunity is slowly being closed. Well thats how we see it right now.

    Having been diagnosed in Nov 2017 and still not having the cancer removed is having a major Psychological affect on my husband, on our whole life :..((

    When we read blogs on this cancer everyone seems to sat why is it so slow to get action. So many hoops to jump through. Gas anyone else had this experience and if so any advice please.

    My text is not great so apologies for typo errors.