Any natural remedy suggestions for stage 4 cervical cancer?

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Hi all, 

I am new to this site and I’m still getting the hang of replying to certain threads but I always seem to lose my posts I put on here. Anyway I’m here again hoping I’ll soon get the hang of how to use these forums. 

My auntie has been diagnosed with stage 4 cervical cancer and it’s very advanced… whilst we are all trying to get our heads around the diagnosis I was wondering if anyone has any natural remedies/supplements they could possibly suggest please? I know it will be a miracle for the natural route to cure her disease but I have read so many articles by credible authors that give me the slightest bit of positivity/hope to hold onto. 

Unfortunately treatment is not an option at this time  

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

Many Thanks 


  • Hi - there's two elements to this forum.  A series of groups that people join and generally have chat with people in the same group.  Here is the one for cervical cancer:  

    Then there is a blog section, which is like a diary and the owner of the blog posts updates over time.  Although members can respond to blogs you don't get the same visibility or reach that you do from groups.  You've started a new blog here.  It doesn't sound like that was your intention.  

    Perhaps you're already a member of a group, or the cervical cancer group, but the best place to get replies and suggestions would be to repost in that group.  

    You can find your old posts under your profile pic (top rh corner) and the activities tab.