The beginning

1 minute read time.


I am still shocked that I have joined a Macmillan online community, just 10 days ago I was living a normal life doing normal things unaware that I even had cancer. I had surgery booked for a radical hysterectomy due to post menopausal bleeding. I even scoffed at this suggestion as I haven't even had my menopause, I was convinced this was a waste of nhs money but as I no longer needed my reproduction system and I had had problems in the past I would have this surgery. Just 48 hours ago I was dealt the terrible blow that the tumour that had been found connected from my ovary to my ureter was cancerous.

I literally move from making a drink to have a total melt down, crying and panicking about what will happen if I have to leave this world, I have no idea what stage I am at, what is going to happen and how will I cope. My consultant tells me I am so,lucky, this has been caught in good time and the prognosis is good. The internet says some women survive 5 years and some 10, is this good?? I feel short changed , I want 40 years...

I feel panic stricken, my next appointment is 25 th January just a few days really but it seems a life time away. I know I must have a list of questions to ask but there is only one that I can think of, there is only knew question that matters but can I cope with the answer.

I have read blogs and this has been a tremendous help, I'm not alone, my feelings are normal. The few words that I have read have calmed me down, thank you everyone for being so honest. I never imagined I would join this club, I never though that I would be a member.

  • FormerMember

    Please do not feel that you are alone. We have all been some way along this path (and sadly not all with such a good prognosis). Support from the others is invaluable and you will definitely feel calmer once your treatment plan is discussed.

    We are all here to listen and to support you.

    Love and hugs



  • FormerMember

    Thank you xx