Day 11 Round 4

Less than one minute read time.

I visited my primary care physician regarding meds that had changed or needed changing.Good thing to do. Dropped Amitiza, stopped green tea, dropped Amitryptiline. Was having high heart rate and low bp. Another med added for bm to help that to occur without going so long.  

Oncologists are not as up to date on various meds for the two "normal body functions"  troublesome areas I was having.

Glad Round 4 is behind me and I have only two rounds to go. Too much time indoors for me and my husband. But thankful I have had no major setbacks. Have to keep our spirits up. Maybe NEXT SUNDAY I will be able to be in church.

  • FormerMember

    Note: I did 6 rounds and PET scan was good. Two months since last chemo and trying to regain strength, get on a schedule, pace myself. I am getting out, traveling, helping others, but certainly have a way to go. Thanking God for healing and family friends. ENDING POSTS.