Pulling Sensations Felt ?!?!

1 minute read time.

Day 19 after first chemo round.

Thankfully the chemo has been quite kind to Norm.    He has passed the queasiness and his appetite, although it waned, returned well.   In fact on weigh in this Tuesday he had gained 1kg - oh joy !!!      He started having nose bleeds on about day 15 - just out of the blue which have now turned into a sticky globbiness that bungs him up.   But the most strangest is the sensation he says he feels in his back.   He says he can feel a 'pulling' sensation where the pain is.   The pain hasn't gone away, some days he is managing it well but we're wondering about the 'pulling' ?!? Is this the chemo attacking the tumour !?!?  It must be.   This sensation has been followed now by a strange tingling sensation around his left side (its not his heart we are sure).

We went to the IPO on 2nd Jan for Norms second round of chemo and we mentioned the sensations to the oncologist but he was non-committal, said it was too early to say.

We remain optimistic !  Reading other peoples experiences it seems others have felt this and their final scans have shown shrinkage - We have our fingers crossed.     We are also hoping that the chemo will be as kind to him the second time round - and harsh on the tumour !!
