4 Jan

Less than one minute read time.

My mother-in-law has been in hospital for four weeks now should have start this then. She was an intelligent and independent strong women who looked after her own affairs, travelled far and wide.

Today I have to help clean her up because she is not incontinent, she believe my son is me and I am just called Dad, she thought today was Friday and was surprised it's 2018. She doesn't know where she is and that Ted Heath is Prime Minister.

This has take four weeks. On the 14th December my wife rang her mother as she did every night and felt something was wrong. We went across to her home. We found a bumbling old woman where as 24hr early via phone and three days early in person she had been planning holiday and visit to friends.

We brought her to our home and put her to bed, later then next day we phone NHS direct and she was taken into Lewisham Hospital where a terminal brain tumour was diagnosed.

We have visited her every day mostly my wife and children but they have gone back to work to I am now visiting her everyday and will log what I see.
