A little time for Mum

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So January roles on and the reality that Dad isn't ever going to get better is no easier to accept. My poor lovely Daddy is so tired and so sad. Mum has changed her job slightly to do work from home to spend more time with him. I've done so much to try and help and I don't know what else I can offer other than my love and support. 

Mum came to stay with me overnight this week, for her birthday (before Dad's diagnosis) I'd bought her tickets to see The Corrs supported by The Shires. It was a fantastic night listening to some beautiful music. The Shires played a song called Brave. Mum and I held hands and just cried. The lyrics providing some sort of emotional release. I'm glad I was able to invest some time to give my mum a little break from caring for Dad. Also thankful my sister was able to step in and be at home for Dad to give mum that break. 

  • FormerMember

    <p>Hi, just reading your blog is sad as you both love your dad very much. Obviously you are all very close. Take a moment each day to think of one happy occasion, event or something funny that happened in the past and have a mental or physical hug. You are all v brave and I will think of you in my prayers. Love Operahappy.&nbsp;</p>