Listening to the humdrum of the hospital

1 minute read time.

Well I’ve not been here for a while - I haven’t felt well for a couple of days, nothing specific but all I could think about was the extreme tiredness. Well today the ambulance got called, reluctantly on my part but necessary (my husband is nearly always right when it comes to my medical care) - I was so worried something was wrong with my heart, I had chest pains, no breath, dizzy and am awful sense of foreboding. So where is it up to now, I am waiting for a CT scan as they suspect a pulmonary embolism, they have already given me a shot of heparin and have ruled out problem with heart. But the real reason I am writing this post is to acknowledge the tremendous work our NHS staff do, they are under an incredible amount of pressure. Stretched to the limit and yet everywhere I turn there are little acts of kindness that mean the world to the patient. The paramedics that brought me in came back to my bed later on to see how I was and to check I was more settled. The nurses give that extra second of popping their head in with just a smile to check all’s ok. The Doctors take the time to listen to your questions even though you may be jumping the gun with what’s actually going on. 

I always make sure that a thank you note is sent once I am home but it never really seems to convey how much they are appreciated. 

Well that was all really I will try and get some sleep now but although the bed is comfy and I am free of pain I have a feeling I will just lie here listening to the sounds of the hospital - something which makes me feel safe!
