Dad - later stages of PC

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Posted a couple times about my dads pancreatic cancer, he hadn't been keeping much down so I called the GP out and he came and assessed dad.

The GP confirmed that dads cancer has spread to his liver, he can feel it through his stomach as it's got so bad, usually the GP said you can only feel the liver in a new born baby.

The reason dad can't keep food down as this'll be his liver failing.

Does anyone have any experience with pancreatic cancer? It's dreadful to watch dad in so much pain and he's had enough. He's my world and I'm 23 so no way would I ever be ready to lose him but he wants to go. Breaks my heart seeing such a wonderful man suffer sI much.

Is this the start of everything slowing down and pain to start? Is this the start of me losing him slowly or quickly?

Sorry for the jumbled post, can't quite speak let alone write about it x

  • FormerMember

    Hi hon I don't have any experience of PC I have found out that I have kidney cancer . I just wanted to reply to ur post to let u know that it can be seen and I'm sure that someone that is going through it or has had family go through it will be along to answer ur questions . I have lost people I love through cancer tho and it is heart breaking to watch them suffer . All I can say is just be there for ur dad . And u can call the McMillan team for support . Sending u Hugs and kisses xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello And77, I'm so sorry to hear your news, I hope you get all the treatment you need for a swift recovery!

    The doctor did advise 2/3 weeks dad'll have left. He gave him some dextromethazone (can't spell it) which is a steroid and it's given him more energy so it's nice to see dad up and not bed bound all day. He's also having anti sickness jabs daily, until he decides he's ready for a syringe driver. It's hard because I feel like I have my dad back, it's as if he's a week post chemo getting energy back.. So hard to know it's all down hill from now.

    The McMillan nurse Is coming again Tuesday xxxx