Quite a bit has happened

1 minute read time.

The chemo seems to have passed fairly uneventfully and i was scheduled for an Ivor Lewis back in April 2018 which duly went ahead. Shortly afterwards however things started to go a bit wrong. Both surgical wounds became infected and dehisced with the one to my abdomen leaving a round hole the size of a dinner plate on my stomach and me enjoying an extended stay in the ICU for nearly three weeks as they fought to control the sepsis. After about three months I was able to go home and I returned to work full time in September. 

Treatment of the wound is ongoing, the "hole" has shrunk to about tea plate size and is about 90% skinned over but I still need dressing changes twice a week and probably will still do for several weeks to come before it is fully healed.

So far, so good i hear you say and i would be tempted to agree with you but sadly just before Christmas i was newly diagnosed with a signet ring adenocarcinomka in my stomach which not to put too fine a point on it is very bad news. It is metastacising and has started to show up in nearby lymph nodes and in the vicinity of the pancreas. I am told that further surgery is no longer an option so the rigours of chemotherapy look to be my only option.

From my to now fairly modest research, it would seem that this particular type of carcinoma is highly malignant, hard to spot and very rare.

I have decided not to buy any season tickets. Joy

  • FormerMember

    You are a brave soul :) and have had a hard journey so far! Sincere good wishes for the chemo... I hope it encourages you to buy a few more season tickets in the not too distant future :) I'm a lucky one, just a past carer and supporter of a sufferer of this awful disease .. I hope you have lots of help and love and support around you. Good luck and if being thought of helps, please know that I and many others here will be thinking of you and sending you all the wishes possible for success and future health x