
4 minute read time.

Hi everyone, i havent posted on here for such a long time so i thought i would update you all. 

I started a trial at the Christie hospital in Manchester in October 2016, The treatment has continued to work well with very little side effects and an initial shrinkage of 11% followed last month by a further shrinkage of 8%.

All was going well and we havehad some lovely family times with the children and granchildren plus we were very lucky to have a few weekends away and 10 days holiday in Scotland.

All this year my youngest Daughter Kim was having a bit of trouble with a fast heart beat and was put on a waiting list to have an ablation procedure done which i myself had done with a good result a few years ago. On Sunday the 8th of October she rang me in tears saying she felt like someone was sat on her chest so i told her to ring 111 which she did and they sent an ambulance for her and took her to the LGI, She was transfered later that day to St James as they thought she had a clot or pneumonia. They also found out that she was severely anemic and was suffering from chronic fatigue. She had seen her useless gp the week before three times and was fobbed off every time. They gave her a blood transfusion and it did nothing. then they decided it might be a problem with her heart so they transfered her back to the LGI on the thursday at midnight.

we went in to see her and the doctor who was looking after her said they thought it could be serious and they were going to do a scan which she had that day. The scan revealed that her heart was basically not working then her kidneys started to fail.

The next morning we got a call from her husband to say the hospital had said all the family should go in. I rang round my other children and we all arrived as she was being transfered to intensive care. 

My beautiful brave youngest Daughter Kim passed away that evening at 5.15 aged 27and she left behind 3 beautifull childen. 

I am beyond heartbroken and eight weeks later can still make no sense of it.

I have terminal lung cancer ! It was my turn, why oh why did This so called God take my Kim and leaver her kids motherless at such young ages? 

The treatment we received at the hospital as a family was absolutely cruel and i dont know how these 3 members of staff sleep in their beds at night. 

I keep trying to complain through PALS but each time i pick up the phone i end up sobbing and cant speak.

How do you keep going ? how the hell do i plaster on a smile and look like im ok when inside im broken? 

We havent even had a cause of death as the did an autopsy and sent samples away so they could be absolutely sure of the cause. Dilated cardimyopathy was mentioned so potentially my other children and grandchildren could all be walking time bombs and may need to be tested for this at some point. 

My Husband has also got heart problems and has an appointment at the same hospital in January.

How did they get it so bloody wrong? numerous hospital and gp visits and no one picked up that half the heart wasn,t working? 

I just want her back, she wasnt just my Daughter she was my friend and my mischief partner too. 

My son in law and i dont really like each other as he was often abusive to Kim but he has been bringing the children to see me most saturdays, however the atmosphere is very strained and the kids act up because they pick up on it. I have asked to have the children overnight but all he says is i will think about it and let you know and he never does. I feel like im on some kind of supervised visit and actually cancelled last saturday as i couldnt face another evening with him and three children who play me and there dad off against each other. 

He knew i was cooking last week for him and the children but bough lots of chocolate on the way to my home and let them eat it all just before dinner so their  meals were wasted and when i said maybe they should have had the sweets after the meal he told me to mind my own buisness.!

One minute im fine and the next im in floods of tears and cant function, I dont want to get up most days and i dont know how to go forward.

im sorry this ended up so long but i know on here i can write it all down get ti off my chest and i wont be judged. 
