Kidney Tumour

1 minute read time.

Hi all, I'm maria 38, during a routine ultra sound in my liver. ( for meds I take ) I have recently been told I have a 7x4x5 tumour on my left kidney arising from the upper pole! This has come as a massive shock! Awaiting my scan which is next sun ( long wait but still within the urgent 2wk period ) and urgent referrals to hosp! It seems like a life time away! I don't know how I will get through it! I have support off family etc but I live alone with my two children and it's going to be so hard to keep smiling! Along with the fact I am guessing I will need surgery to remove the tumour either way, maybe the whole kidney I don't know! Only spoken to g p who broke the news! So not much more than that, although I guess it's pretty large! I feel like I don't want to burden any of my family with my thoughts, yes I need to remain positive but also have to prepare for not good news too! I am a terrible worrier at the best of times! I just hoped I could seek comfort and reassurance on here with people who understand, and can share similar experience! I think you are all so brave! I hope I can be too x
