Letrozole side effects

1 minute read time.

Hello all - I'm new to this site but have read a few blogs pertinent to my own bc problems regarding side effects from Letrozole. 

I first had bc (DCIS) in 1999. Treatment was lumpectomy and radiation.

2013, second diagnosis, primary, st 1, grade 2,  no spread - lumpectomy and radiation , Arimidex (side effects so changed to Letrozole).

2015, third diagnosis, primary in same breast as original DCIS, mastectomy, Tamoxifen - affected kidneys so put back on Letrozole. 

In the past 12 months I've suffered palpitations (mostly skipped heartbeats) and dreadful anxiety which has kept me from doing things I used to love, and I even find it hard to do household chores sometimes as I find the thought too overwhelming. The thought of going out, at times, makes me jittery and anxious. 

Has anyone else found this? My gp's answer was obviously I cannot go off Letrozole and suggested Paxil but after reading dreadful stories about side effects and what happens when withdrawing, I've decided not to go down that route. Am seeing  a great psychologist, who is helping, but would like to know if anyone else is suffering the anxiety and palps. 

Cheers to all, hope you all have a lovely Christmas .

  • Hi niknak suffer same symstems as you, anxaity palpertations etc. Was getting a bit fed up with them controlling my life. The Mac. Cd on relaxation has helped, I just go to bed now no matter what I am doing and what time it is and listen to the cd although I do know it of by heart and make myself relax. I don't sleep more then 3 hours a night but won't go down the route of antidepressants (pop enough pills as it is) we can only try different tycnics and find out what is best for us. Chill

  • FormerMember

    Hi Callierose - thanks for your comments. Glad I'm not the only one with ectopics. I 'only' get maybe 6 or so ectopics an hour but they're extremely disconcerting. I've read Letrozole can cause these and they're nothing to worry about, but it's hard not to! Ectopics/anxiety/ectopics. Thank goodness I do at least get a reasonable night's sleep at the moment. Have hadca resting ecg one (no palps at the time) plus blood tests, all fine, and blood pressure is spot-on. Very frustrating . What are your palps like? Are they skips or flutters?

    • Hi, I'm new to this group.   I was diagnosed with Lobula BC in December 2021, had mastectomy in January 22.  I've been taking Letrozole and Adcal D3 since May after 15 sessions of Radiotherapy.  Recently I have experienced palpitations, they dont last longer than a minute or so but still noticeable.  My side effects include fatigue, difficulty in sleeping, indigestion, heartburn, intolerance to certain foods .....dairy, fats and cafeine to name a few.  Vaginal dryness, very painfull intercourse, low mood and feelings of being less attractive or needed.  In general, I think BC and Letrozole has completely changed not only my life, but that of my husband too.
  • Hi Tilly I’ve just read your post. I know exactly how you feel, it certainly takes away the enjoyment of life! I do use vagisan cream and this does make a massive difference as it takes away dryness and hopefully will stop your painful inter course! Our husbands go through a journey too as they have a different wife after BC. All we can do is try find a way back one step at a time. Hope this helps a little for you .xx