Throat Cancer ??

3 minute read time.

Hi Everyone , Im new to this post but what I've read people are very helpful so Im hoping someone out there has been through what is happening to me and can help.

I just turned 34 on the 20th same day as I had an appointment with an ENT.

Lets rewind to the beginning of this my ears have been really bad lately so bad one night I had to go to the ER because i was very off dizzy confused off balance and couldn't hear out of my one ear.

So I went to the ER the dr came in and tried to flush it which helped abit but things started getting strange when she checked my throat she said "something doesnt seem right so I am going to send you to and ENT because I dont want to guess and this specialist will be able to let you know better whats going on". At the time I didnt clue in that she was talking more about my throat then my ears.

About a week later I had an appointment with my family Dr. Before she came in the room a student dr came in he checked me over my ears were blocked again then he asked about my horsed voice and I said its been getting worse sometimes when I go to talk nothing comes out its not sore all the time it gets itchy and I always have to clear my throat before I talked . He then took his hands and felt around he took a step back and said I dont mean to scare you but Im pretty sure you have throat cancer. WHAT.. I was pretty shocked he also said that he didnt think I should wait for a month for my appointment with the ENT but because thats the fastest appointment we could get we waited.

I fully thought this student Dr well was just that a student so he doesnt know what he is talking about no one has said anything about my throat so where is he getting that from and really based on him feeling my neck and no other test he says that to me yep definitely needs to learn more.

But everyone knows when you hear the C word you start thinking what if . So a month of waiting was very long.

So the ENT informed me that my ear drums dont move and they should explains what is happening with those easy fix tubes and they will be good . He checked my throat with a camera up through my nose. Now results  from this very rude and makes you feel like just hurry up and get out dr.

He then informed me that I have a huge mass in between my vocal cords he said its as big as a golf ball and has probably been there growing for 2 years at first he said he doesnt believe its cancer because its round and really that was the only thing he had said why he doesnt believe its cancer he kinda changed when i told him what the student dr had said.

So now the ENT is sending me to another dr who will be able to go in and take it out through a surgery he also said I will probably need radiation and after the ball is out then they will test it for cancer and check to see if has went anywhere else he said i will probably wait 4 to 6 weeks to have it all done.

So now waiting game again has anyone had a lump that big in that spot ? 
