Broken skin, broken resolve

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I should be happy, but tonight I feel broken. Has the reality really only just kicked in? Today, I decorated the tree. As a Teaching Assistant, I should've been celebrating the last day of term, the excitement of the children, the relief of the holidays. But I've not been in. Today, the skin under my breast has succumbed to the effects of my radiotherapy, which finished on 15th. It's sore. It's weeping, as I have been. I think the tree triggered the emotions - it's about happiness, family times but I'm just not feeling it. Can anyone recommend  what. I can put on my skin to get me through the weekend? X

  • FormerMember

    Flamazine. It's for burns, and I got it from the radiotherapy team when my treatment finished. You need a prescription for it.

  • FormerMember

    Morning, it's ok to feel sad at times. We don't have to feel brave all the time. We are human. I think if you weren't at school for end of Christmas term that's a big thing in your life and if you are missing work and the children you are a very good caring teacher. Look ahead to when you will be back at school with them all again. Spring is round the corner and you WILL get through this. Good luck. Spend an hour watching your favourite movie or something you enjoy and font let those sad demons get in. Operahappy.

  • FormerMember

    Having just finished radiotherapy I understand how you feel. Horsygal is right, flamazine is very good, now you are finished they should be able to prescribe you some xxx