The Biopsy - Oct 2017

Less than one minute read time.

Well the appointment came on time and I turned up on the day, it was all very civilised and screened so I could not see what was happening and I didn't feel a thing.

The worst part was the nurse who kept patting my hand and telling me how much she screamed and swore when she had the same thing done! 

In due time I received the results, I had a condition known as complex hyperplasia which meant they had found some abnormal cells but no actual cancer cells. However this had been a 'blind' biopsy and it was felt I should be referred on for a hysteroscopy for further tests. This would be done under general anaesthetic in the day surgery unit.

I couldn't believe this was all happening so quickly in our poor old cash strapped NHS. In fact I actually missed the first appointment letter and only knew when they phoned to check why i hadn't attended the pre admission appointment. They were very understanding and soon rearranged it for the following week. 

Everybody is being so nice to me. :)
