Just diagnosed

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So today I was told I had thyroid cancer.. I feel I knew this was coming after I visited my Dr's surgery last week and she said the results looked "pretty nasty" but nothing could have prepared me for the news.

I don't know how to feel, or react, and still so many unanswered questions, my lymph nodes have apparently been affected?  what does this mean?

  • FormerMember

    Hi best

    I was diagnosed 3 months ago with cancer in my lymph nodes in my chest , stomach and spleen ..... it's a scary horrible and confusing time when first told and there are many many many questions you will have which unfortunately until they do more test etc you will struggle to get answers for ... best advice I can give is try and stay off goggle ... I always think you get the worst case scenario on there and that makes the worry worse. Try and stay positive the advances in treating cancer have come on massively over the last 5 years and my doctors told me if you have to have cancer having it in your lymph nodes is a good one to have as it's very treatable ... I am looking at a very positive outlook after a long course of chemo. It's a hard road ahead the treatment can be punishing in many ways not just the actually treatment but the mental side of things as well but I looked upon the journey as a battle against a thing that has had its own way until i started fighting back and with every course of chemo it's me firing my own shots back at this horrible disease. I hope you get some answers soon and try and stay positive .... best of luck to you.

    Darren x

  • FormerMember

    Hi I'm a 48 year old male and was diagnosed with metastic thyroid cancer 12 months ago,,,I had a total thyroidectomy,,,,level 6/7 neck dissection and quite a few lymph nodes removed,,,its bin a journey so far but apart from taking tablets everyday I feel ok,,,but as you can imagine not the same person I was before the diagnosis and surgery !!!! All I can say is time flies and that's a great healer and what you go through becomes a distant memory,,,I found that once I understood the basics of papillary thyroid cancer it put my mind sort of at rest and I now focus on everything else good about life but always aware of what's happened to me and try and help my body as much as I can,

    I go back for my 12 monthly rai scan in march 2018 and was told there is less than 10% chance cancer will still be in my body !!!! Fingers knees toes eyes crossed,,,

    I wish you all the best x