In between

1 minute read time.

My husband has spent the last 13 Year’s dodging the cancer bullet, as so eloquently put by his specialist. At least 9 ops numerous biopsies and checkups, always revealing severe displaysia but always just one cell change away. Well 4 weeks ago we got the news that the cells had turned and become invasive and aggressive in a matter of weeks , multiple sites on his tongue and throat and also his lymph. 2 weeks later and 11 hours of facial surgery reconstruction and skin grafts  We are reeling in the wake of this awful time. 

I have started this blog to try and help me,as my husbands carer, bring some clarity to this situation, we all feel disorientated and awash with every emotion you can imagine. 

Up until today I have taken control of everyday, organised everyone and everything, allowing my husband to cope with this huge bombshell and ensuring that he is recovering as well as he can from this ordeal. He has lost 3 stone and having had most of his tongue removed and replaced with skin from his forearm he is amazingly managing to eat puréed food.

We have the clinic appointment on Thursday to find out results of the op and what the plans are regarding radiotherapy and chemotherapy . 

I cannot believe the strength, mix and  chaos of emotions that we are feeling as a family and as individuals. It is totally overwhelming and disorientating. I have no idea how this will all pan out but the will endeavour to record it on here . Xx

  • FormerMember


    My sister in law had extensive tong cancer and removed half of her tongue and throat , that was 24 years ago , she's now 82 and fine .

    so I wish you well and hope you find comfort in this.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Moeville , thankyou so much for you message and encouragement regarding my husbands condition. It’s certainly reassuring that your sister in law is living a long and healthy life . Xxxx