So Where's The Bus........

1 minute read time.

You know, the one everyone talks about! 

The one that any one of us could be hit by! 

That bus that some how is meant to make a Cancer diagnosis, easier to deal with!

You know the bus that could hit me tomorrow, whereas I could live with Secondary Cancer for Years!

That bus that could kill any of us without warning!

SCARY thought? Actually no!

You see if I were to be hit by a bus, I would know very little about it! I would be gone! Life ended, all over. 

Instead I live every day with a disease that could decide at any point to start spreading and to slowly destroy my body and life! When might that happen? No idea! Do I worry about it every minute of every day? No! But is it always there at the back of my mind? Yes! Does that make life tough sometimes? Yes! Are there times when I wish that bus would just do its thing? Yes!! 

So please my so called friends, please don't try and tell me that things could be worse, because I am not stupid, I know they could. At the same time, things could be a hell of a lot better! So please allow me to have days when I need to be ANGRY, FRUSTRATED and ANNOYED with the world!

I might look like I am okay on the outside! But behind that smile is someone living every day with side effects from treatment and pain meds! Someone who struggles to get through everyday! Someone who is trying hard to keep up with everyone around them! Someone who just needs someone, anyone to listen and to truly hear what they are saying!

Having Secondary Breast Cancer might not be the Death Sentence it used to be, but as far as I'm concerned it's.......


I'm sorry if I can't find that genuine smile everyday and I'm sorry if I sometimes feel grumpy or tired. Just remember I might look like I'm a swan gracefully swimming along the river, but under the water my legs are paddling like mad, just to stay afloat!

  • FormerMember

    Hiya I know how u feel I've had hodgkins disease twice once when I was 21 I had radiotherapy then and 14 months later my liver and spleen were like footballs I was gravely I'll they had missed a cell in my liver I had a year of chemotherapy. I was a young mum at the time to. Ive never had any more children because of it. Thankfully my son is 29 now and I'm a grandma to two beautiful girls.

    I have had my left breast taken off and have had an implant done. It' is nearly 4 weeks on. I have just been informed I will have to have another lot of chemotherapy I've told them I want a port veins are so knackered from the chemo all them yrs ago.

    I agree with u . U don' t feel wonderful like a graceful Swan . I' am tired alot and I also have degenerative discs in my back as I was a night carer in a mental health home . This doesn' help me either .

    I try to stay strong but it becomes to much sometimes as u say you are not bouncy healthy and full of joy. Ive helped to inspire other ladies and gents as my history shows I've had my more than fair share of cancer.

    ICan't have radiotherapy because I've had mantle radiotherapy when I was 21.

    I am having my right breast taken off as well after all my treatment is done and I'm on hormone replacement. The reason being that the right one is just as much risk of getting cancer as my left one was to be personally honest I can't be arsed with it all I just want them gone

    My only thing I can say Is there is always someone out there worse and treatment has omg got so advanced to when I had it yrs ago xxx

  • So sorry London Lass. I know I'm not in your situation but I still now live in fear. I feel I've been hit by the bus and am waiting to see if it rolls back over me. But yes you're right it's a stupid analogy and you've every right to say so. I wish I could take some of your pain away x