Beginning chemotherapy

1 minute read time.

My wonderful husband has just got me home from a most fantastic break on a canal boat on the river Thames. The weather was good to us, my two labradoodles came along, so there were lots of walks to little village pubs for dinner and some wonderful wildlife to watch. Kingfishers were the winners of these last few days and seeing my hubmeister relax for the first time since my diagnosis.

It has made me realise that he really is taking it all on his shoulders. We were running our business together before my diagnosis and since I have stopped going out to work, he really has had to step up. Its a lot to ask for one person and I think I might need to see if I can get him some more help, but he keeps saying he's fine. Its hard managing other peoples feelings and emotions as well as my own.

Anyway, got home to find that all my chemo appointments are through and start in a weeks time, so now I am trying to plan the next three months. Its the hardest thing, not knowing how I will be feeling, but knowing that there has to be something in our lives other than cancer and treatments.
