Diagnosis 1 - Not in a Million Years

1 minute read time.

I can remember finding the lump. But I wasn’t a regular checker of my breasts.

I ignored it thinking it was a time of the month lump.

But within 4 weeks I was feeling this lump several times a day. In fact I made the lump sore.

I was convince it was me feeling it so much that had made it more of a thing almost like I’d bruised myself.

Never in a million years did I think it could ever be cancer as cancer isn’t really in our family history.

Eventually I went to the doctors alone

Straight away the doctor was awkward and said it needed checking out.

Even then I wasn’t concerned.

With 2 weeks I was in the Breast Clinic in Chorley alone having a mammogram. And then called back to the clinic within days.

Strange findings on the mammogram so then an ultrasound and a biopsy. The consultant spent a long time using the ultrasound and he looked baffled.

First he said, “How old are you again?” I said, “47”. Again he looked baffled.

Then it was had I had any problems previously and was I still having periods? I said, “No and no I hadn’t gone through the menopause”. Again he looked baffled.

So I had a biopsy! Well the consultant had a student do the biopsy!!!! This was awful. The lump was very deep and was difficult to biopsy and took several attempts. I was very bruised and fragile after that. But still the consultant didn’t think it would be cancer. But definitely odd.

I was recalled within a week and I sort of knew by then. OMG it is cancer – I was numb.

The breast care nurse said “Do you have anyone with you? Are you alright? You seem really calm”

I just said, “It is what it is and now I just need to get it sorted”. I was very unemotional and matter of fact.

I went home numb…..not strictly true I went to the first pub and bought a Gin and Tonic and bought a bottle of vin rose from the local shop.

I have cancer – how is that possible?

I didn’t tell my son – he was 10 and I felt he was too young.
