DCIS to have treatment or not

1 minute read time.

Hi all, I am 62 and was diagnosed with high grade dcis about 3 months ago. I am waiting for a date for a mastectomy with diep reconstruction. I am finding the whole process absolutely terrifying. The waiting, no doubt you all know, getting a letter/phone call to see the plastic surgeon then the ct scan then the follow up appointment and now the op.. I can't sleep or think about anything else except this surgery. It is affecting my relationship with my partner, my autistic son and am relying on beta blockers and diazepam to get me through the day/night. I can't stop thinking about the mutilation to my body and risks associated with this type of surgery. Has anyone decided to put off the surgery and monitor  on a regular basis and have mammograms, ( I will pay privately if necessary) to see if  the dcis has become invasive? My friends and family say I am in no mental state to have such major surgery. I have requested counselling but am still waiting. I have done a lot of research and it seems  no-one can predict what the chances of high grade  dcis becoming invasive. Maybe the percentage is really low and all this scare mongering will be similar to the HRT big scare a few years ago where lots of people came off it including myself because they said it could cause breast cancer.Years later they admitted they were wrong but now  we are talking about something far, far bigger,  women having their breasts removed, chemo, radiotherapy because we are being told it can become invasive and spread to our lymph nodes. I really am not coping well and  I suppose a huge part of it is that I feel healthy, I don't feel ill or in pain so why are they taking by breast away and a huge chunk of my tummy? My brain just cannot accept it. I so don't want to go through with this surgery unless I really have to. I really don't know what to do it is driving me crazy! Any advice, stories, or any views at all will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 

  • FormerMember

    Dear Selva55

    I could almost have written this myself! I am 62, have been diagnosed with DCIS intermediate with comedo necrosis which can behave like high grade I am told, whatever that means!? I have done the research here and in the USA and am none the wiser. Seems like this is another one of those transition times. 18 years ago when I had a lobular cancer it was standard practice to remove all lymph nodes, I lost 20 ( no cancer in any of them) now at risk of lymphedema and infection. They only take one or two now andstandard practice changed just a few months after my lumpectomy op. So you are not crazy asking these questions. DIEP is the best they can offer now and it begins to feel like a ‘fashion’ which is what standard practice or best practice is at the time. The problem is with DCIS is that the diagnosis with ever more sensitive machines has leapfrogged the understanding of the condition. No one can truly determine the risk of leaving it at our age. There seems to be little correlation between DCIS treatments and reduction in deaths from bc. However there seems to be a link in some cases between high grade DCIS and invasive bc and then on to metastatic . You have my greatest sympathy for your state of mind and the questions you are asking, they are my own Cassia ps anyone out there tried wait and watch? My oncologist says lifestyle changes don’t work in changing DCIS, my surgeon says changes can slow down cancer development, so many unknowns.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Cassia for your response. After so much research I have decided to go for a mastectomy with a diep reconstruction. Lots of people's experience has been that after removal of breast and being told it was not invasive, was in fact. I couldn't put myself and children thinking I could die if it had spread to the lymph glands. I am absolutely terrified about the whole thing and am scheduled for my surgery on 10th November. No doubt when it is all over and done with I will be thinking why on earth did I get myself into such a state. My very own GP said she has had the very same surgery/procedure and although there will be pain, soreness, swelling etc., she is extremely happy with result. So until 10th I will continue taking my beta blockers and diazepam, my first counselling session is on Monday.

  • FormerMember

    Dear Selva 55

    You and I seem to be moving in parallel, we should stay in touch.

    Our thinking and reactions have been so similar.

    I have an op booked for 30th Oct , over 6 monthssince intermediate DCIS with necrosis first found. My reasoning is similar to yours.

    Where will you have the op?
