post op recovery

3 minute read time.

its a bit of a silly question in many ways but one thing that keeps coming up is how long does it take to recover from cancer surgery, well first it depends on the surgery you have had. A hysterectomy like I had is a major operation and I should of known better that it takes time to heal. I definitely feel the fatigue is worse because it frustrates me all the time. I think I am getting better, more back to normal them wham. I am totally exhausted and cant understand why. I keep making the mistake at trying to rationalise my recovery with others. Big mistake that will ultimately make you feel worse. Everyone is different and everyone has different treatments and stages, wow even with the same stage you can recover differently. I try to tell myself not to worry myself over something I have no real control of other then to let my body heal in it’s own time. I know I am lucky I know I will get better I just need to remember not to be doing stupid and remember I need to heal. Recovery from an operation can be time consuming I think we expect too much from our bodies sometimes. I found I recovered ok from surgery. I felt wow I dont need any other treatment now so I can get back to some normality. My biggest regret is being impatient and wanting to be fully fit straight away, I felt wonderful after surgery I got very carried away. I should of listened to my consultant when he told me it’s early days yet. Of course I am like how long is early days? Again recovery is individual. some bounce back very quickly and great I am happy for them it’s good that they have been able to do that. But never compare as you only end up upsetting yourself. The best thing for recovery is drink plenty of water to keep you hydrate, I know this is important but never would of thought of it, it’s something my consultant said, lots of water, lots of rest and above all no stress. I giggled at that one, manly because it was one big stress from the moment I got home after surgery to now. I have had so much to sort out to make sure I have money coming in that I haven’t been able to fully rest or de stress myself. so I say to people if your in work Macmillan has a booklet on your rights at work it’s good to know. Plus they have benefits advisors to help you claim for what your entitled too. I have a wonderful welfare officer who is really nice and has given me lots of help filling all the forms in, now I have manage to get one now I await an assessment for the other help. I look at all this and I think I didn’t have to have chemo or radiotherapy and it was a nightmare I hope that if people are in need of financial help that they get in touch straight away with Macmillan and ask for a benefits advisor because they know what you can claim as a cancer patient. I have also learned from a terminally ill friend that if your terminal then you can ask for a ds1500 form I hope I remembered it correctly this eliminates a lot of the form filling stress you endure applying for help. I felt embarrassed asking for help because I feel very proud and want to pay my way but sometimes you have no choice but to ask for help. So I say never feel embarrassed in asking for help. 
