A million questions

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I have just been diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer oestrogen negative and progesterone positive anxiously awaiting results of her 2 test as this was two weeks ago, does anyone have any idea how long this should take. I now have an oncology appointment but I don't know what will happen at the consultation or how long after I will start my treatment. Going out of mind waiting. Thank you

  • FormerMember

    Morning ???

    Sorry to see you joining us here, not a club anyone ever expected to join :(

    All the hanging around is a stressful and emotional time isn't it ? Please don't think that a couple of weeks delay will cause this to spread like wildfire. Nearly all breast cancers are quite slow growing and contained to one area.

    The HER2 part of testing always takes awhile longer to come through; if this was 2 weeks ago you should find out within the next week (usually takes 2-3 weeks)  Are these results from a biopsy of have you already had surgery ?

    Just wondering as you mention oncologist - who not only arrange chemotherapy but also radiotherapy. Around 30%  have chemo before surgery the others will take the more common surgery, chemo, rads route. Mostly depends on if they are trying to shrink the tumour down prior to a possible lumpectomy or if a mastectomy is recommended.

    A lot depends on this HER2 result. Don't know if this has been explained to you very well but if HER2+ positive chemo for 18 weeks is always recommended along with treatment with Herceptin for one year - these are nearly always at 3 weekly intervals.

    Hope we haven't scared you even more now but it helps to know this all in advance so it comes as less of a shock on the day.

    Do join the very active (and friendly) Breast Group here (link) to get chatting to those going through similar 'stuff' There is always someone at the same stage you can chat with and to get support and advice from those who are further down the treatment path. Once you join the group you can create a New Discussion and ask any questions you may have, we're all here to help :)

    Hope this is of some help at a tough time, please don't fret too much, consider this tough but very do'able.

    Hugs, G n' J

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your kind words and advice. They are going to shrink (hopefully) the tumours first before surgery with chemo. I am wondering if they will do further tests at first oncology appointment I have no idea what to expect. I'm worried it will be triple negative and harder to treat etc. Maybe I shouldn't think to much but it's hard. I will join the discussion forum this looks so useful knowing you are not alone, that's if I can work out how to do it.