Stomach cancer

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i have stomach cancer and awaiting an operation. I was  scheduled to have my op on the 29th September so after getting up at 5am and traveling 25 miles to hospital to get there by 7.15am i was told that the operation had been cancelled until 9th October but no one had told me that.

Administration was asked to postpone the date to give me more time to build up my strength for the operation which they did but forgot to tell me. Having gone through the cancer diagnosi, three sessions of chemotherapy and the thought of having most of my stomach removed the news came as a considerable shock and i left the hospital later  that morning in considerable distress. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi. I am sorry but I have only just seen your post. I don’t very often read the blogs but I do regularly look at the stomach cancer forum. I hope by now you have had your operation. It must have been horrendous to have it cancelled. I had a total gastrectomy 2 years ago and I remember how nervous I felt the night before. Hope everything went well and if you need any advice and I can help please get in touch. 

    Take care

    Donna. X