What next

2 minute read time.

Wow what a year and oh how my life has changed in that year.  I finished treatment in May and was drained following surgery for breast cancer last September followed by chemotherapy and radio therapy but I was determined to get fit and move on.  I returned to my yoga class (well not quite the one I used to do it's slower paced but yoga none the less), joined a gym ( never in a million years would I have believed I'd do that a year ago) and I swim twice a week.  I still have mobility issues with my shoulder and the reconstruction is still work in progress but other wise I'm as fit as I've been in years.

I have discovered a strange positive to all this.  Throughout the course of my treatment and recovery I have met some amazing and inspirational people.  I have been astounded by the NHS (which I am fortunate enough to say I have never dealt with much in the past) and the astonishing muti-disciplinary teams and the way they operate.  I have also read much about health issues during this time and the issues facing the health sector. I have for many years been interested in the impact of diet and lifestyle on health.  Over the summer whilst I was off I also became increasingly involved in my neighbourhood and the community.

Somewhere amongst all this I realised that on the career front I am not where I want to be.  Don't get me wrong, I will be eternally grateful to my employers and the support they have given me but the feeling I am being called to do something else is overwhelming. 

So where does that leave me.  I have been back at work three weeks now and I am two weeks shy of my 55th birthday, I've been with the same company for 28 years and I've just applied for a job as community development officer with a local charity which is only funded for 2 1/2 years.  I have no idea if I will get the job, and I can't say I'm not a little scared but I believe if it meant to be it will happen.

I can honestly say thank you to cancer for showing me I am tougher and more adaptable than I think.  Whatever life throws at me I can handle it now whereas before I never stepped out of my comfort zone.  I'll let you know how I get on, watch this space!

  • FormerMember

    Good luck with your job application and best wishes for your birthday next month x

  • FormerMember

    Best of luck! We forget our life is ours to fulfil in our own way. We become so used to what we do, or how we do it, it becomes part of us.

    Well done for reaching out...

  • FormerMember

    Soo encouraging  Loobylou2

    I have just finished my treatment also. still recuperating-lol! It good to laugh but now I'm ambivalent.

    Wondering it its safe to resume my uni studies.

    You are so positive but for me BC has left me doubtful whether its l some things are worth the stress now.

    Soo a BIG thank you  and stay positive.