My First Post Small Bowel Cancer The Rare One

3 minute read time.

Ok I think I did this wrong. I thought I'd stick my bit on about my last 3 months so hope I'm in the right place, if not I'm sure someone will delete it or move it. I think this is more for me and coming to terms with the situation that I'm in and that most of us are in as let's face it normal people have got Facebook. For 11 months I had stomach pains constantly the Doctors diagnosed IBS then a fungal infection then IBS again I had blood tests galore and 2 scans. Finally after scan number 3 & 4 a mass (tumour) was discovered in my small bowel. As I had went from a massive 13 stone to 9 stone in a year I was pretty sure what was going on strange how you get this feeling that you know what's wrong isn't it. Things started to move really fast after my Doctor told me that there was a really good chance I had Cancer it wasn't a great day but more because I was happy that I was right and it wasn't IBS sounds twisted I know. 7 days later I met my consultant who was very straight with me and no big words and told me the hard facts that he was going to remove part of my small bowel and hopefully be able to resection if not I may end up with a bag and if lucky that would only be temporary. I didn't like the thought of that as I really didn't know what to expect it's not really something you discuss down the pub or at home how's the football going, what's happening in the world and have you seen the latest Stoma bag didn't really come in to the conversation. The Stoma nurse came to my house to see me and really put my mind at rest although a bag still wasn't on my bucket list thank you Stoma nurses you were a great help. 14 days later I had my appointment for surgery although I was very nervous I was also looking forward to getting it over with and I little excited about a new experience I had my tonsils removed when I was 5 which was 45 years ago and nothing since so a new experience again I think I'm twisted. The hardest part of the surgery was waiting to go in the Anethiest explained what she was going to do, my consultant surgeon explained again what he was going to do they put a thing in my arm and some drugs in there and five hours later I woke up. I put my hand down to where the bag should be and it wasn't yes no bag I was elated although a little sore with three nice puncture marks and a 2 inch manly cut on my stomach Oh and the morphines free. I was allowed home the following day supposed to be 5 to 7 days I done 36 hours. Because I was lucky. The tumour was tested and was Cancerous and two from 11 lymph Nodes were cancerous. My Surgery was 7 weeks ago and I am know waiting to start my six months Chemo. Again I don't know how this is going to affect me but I am looking forward to starting as the sooner it starts the sooner I get back to my life meaning I can't work as I'm at sea so they don't let you off every couple of weeks. There's been a good few positives came out of this I realise how much my family and friends love me, How great our NHS is and what great support the wonderful people at McMillan are. On the down side my spelling and grammar are terrible but I've got six months to work on that. If you have taken the time to read this thank you I hope I didn't bore you too much please comment or don't but Thanks anyway.    Andy

  • FormerMember

    Glad your surgery was successful, fingers crossed for a relatively easy chemo

  • Glad to hear your op was successful Andy. Was it a Neuroendocrine Tumour?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Andy, I had a total gastrectomy 3 months ago and I know what you mean by having good family and friends. It really means a lot to have their good wishes and support. I had a neuroendocrine tumour and the consultant is confident that he has removed the tumour and surrounding lymph nodes which was a good thing as the tumour had spread into 2 of The lymph nodes. I am very lucky as up to now I don't need any follow up treatment, just careful monitoring. I too have had fantastic NHS treatment including good aftercare and support. Good luck and hope your future treatment goes well. Take care.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for all the support I hope everyone is doing well sorry I didn't get back earlier but I couldn't find the original post. It's so nice to know that there is people out there that you can have a rant with and were all in the same boat.