
1 minute read time.

First Post on my blog and don't really know where to start.


My coping mechanism for dealing with having been diagnosed with a brain tumour did not start well.

Upon first diagnosis I was informed by telephone call on a Monday evening by an Oncologist who should have known better ringing me at 7pm to tell me that I had a brain Tumour and would have to wait till the following week when the doctors get together to find out what treatment would be undertaken.

I was undooubtedly distraught by the news and within an hour was surrounded by family members trying to console me and doing what families are there to do when things like this happen.

One of my sisters - I am the eldest brother with five sisters after me - remembered a friend whise husband had gone through something similar with a brain tumour. She rang himand asked if he would speak to me. At that point I was happy to speak to anyone who could give me an idea of what a diagnosis of a brain tumour meant - whether I'd just been handed a death sentence or not. The chap I spoke to was very understanding and his advice was very sound. The one thing he told me was that he had travelled as far as India looking for a cure tried all sorts of remedies but eventually a doctor in India told him to return to England and get the treatment done here. There was no escaping the operation he would have to undertake which he did after returning and was recovering from.

Feeling a little more reassured. I decided to contact ny GP in the morning and take it fron there...
