Week 1 of 6 Day 5 of 30

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Well that's the first week over with, all in all not to bad.  Long journey today though with an hour to wait for a machine, then the positioning was not right so another delay, finally got things right then set off home, ending up driving part of the way in the dark which is a struggle for him as lots of the journey is on country roads with no lightning and lots of traffic coming towards him.  He is feeling tired and developing the first spots on his face E45 to the rescue.

Met with a speech therapist who just wanted to check he could talk okay, which he can, she will see him again in a couple of weeks. Was given some information on what could happen to his throat and saliva glands including some exercises to do.   He is also due to see a dietician at his Chemo session on Monday.

Looking forward to a couple of days off now then next week will be 6 days of treatment due to missing the Christmas day session.

All in all everything okay so far. 
