Brain met and steriods

1 minute read time.
  1. The Hi all newbie here , just wondering if anyone has been or going through a situation like mine . My mum who is 62 had a funny turn in January 2017 ( stroke like symptoms ) she was diagnosed with a brain tumour after tests they knew this was a secondary with unknown primary . She had the brain met removed in Feb 2017 about 98% of it and was to start srs 3 months later . She remained on dexametasone (steriods) in the meantime Feb- June she started getting fractures to her back and swelling to her legs resulting in long stays in hospital . In June they started to reduce her dexamethasone which resulted in her being in a zombie like state and talking gobbly gook . They did act scan which showed the tumour had grown again so the docs upped her steriods again and brought forward her srs in July . Since having the srs all has been fine untill she now has cellulitis to leg which is taking weeks to heal 4 different Iv antibiotics she has also had phnemonia twice , the docs are saying she is getting these fractures due to bones thinning and infections because the steriods are lowering her immune system . My question is because the docs won't give me answers is her steriods are slowly comming down but now instead of talking gibberish she is confused like memory loss is this with the steriods or with having srs! Thanks x