
2 minute read time.

had a hysteroscopy yesterday, it was awful, I'm surprised they don't give any anaesthetic for this procedure, the consultant doing it said you don't really need it done, I don't expect to find anything as the biopsy taken of your cervix came back clear, I said shall we not bother then?, as I had read that the procedure wasn't pleasant. she replied well we mite as well finish the investigation then you will know we ve covered everything.

well once she started the investigation the pain was so bad I'm talking on a scale of 10/10 it was 10!. she said I I don't except to find anything your lining is 7mm thick as she finished her sentence, she then saw what she described as one small polyp, look she said a tiny polyp that's all, but the screen was to dark and she couldn't workout how to lighten it, then she pointed out another polyp, then as the pain intensified she said, oh there's another one just growing in the lining, she then asked if it was too painful? which I replied through the grimacing pain yes! its awful, ok she said we will come out now.

you can get up when your ready, so with shaking legs I got off the bed and joined her at her desk, I was experiencing the most excruciating pain in my thigh when I mentioned this pain, which I had been getting at night but never this intense, she said oh that's sciatica...well iv never had sciatica before.

she asked one of the nurses what printer was working ? none, oh well, never mind here's a pic but its too dark to see anything she said, whilst munching on a biscuit! right we re going to remove those in day surgery , I was rather concerned because it was polyps that my mum had had that had been cancerous, so I said will you be testing the polyps? Yes everything we remove gets tested! she took a mouthful of coke. She then informed me I will be having GA for that procedure.,  ok then you can go she said whilst staring at the screen and munching on the  5th biscuit. go and take these down to get booked in for a pre op... I walked down the corridor stunned, still reeling from the shock of the procedure  I had just had hysteroscopy ..just uncomfortable..that's an understatement!!! 

the receptionist booked me in for my pre op next Thursday the 24th sept.

the positive is that from seeing a consultant at the hospital on the 22nd of august I seem to be being very fast tracked, I would have liked the opportunity to ask more questions but I think I was interrupting her lunch...?!!!

keep positive and stay strong NanaT xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nana T,

    You poor love I no exactly what you mean about pain , mine was not done by GA either although some are . I thought at one point the instruments being used were going to come through me , it hurt so much, He was nice though he gave me some parecetomol  to come home with the nurse on the other hand was moaning because he did he told her he wrote a prescription and she to get them .I had cancer and my polyp was cancer unfortunately, He removed that at the same time ,but never again would I have it done that way. Hope every think works out for you. Hope you feel better soon.

    With Love  xx

  • FormerMember

    hi Thorn,

    did you know at the time that the polyps would be cancerous? its in my thought that iv not had a blood test to check my ca125 levels and I'm wondering how relevant they are and whether I should get an appointment with my gp ,and I'm also thinking should I call the consultant and just request a hysterectomy?

    my cousin who lives over in oz has just had the all clear from stage111c I think its called, shes had radio and chemo, so that one good to hear thing .

    keep strong NanaT xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nana T ,

    Well before I left hysteroscopy dept I asked I said well not got cancer then , he turned and said lets just wait and see shall we .  I guess in my heart because of my mom and family history I kind of new, Womb cancer runs in my family having lynch syndrome.  ca125 is more for ovarian, I never had that test done. Until my diagnosis I was  fit. A lot of times they can be polpys begin more often than not they are. Great news about your cousin . I got my results  from biopsy 10 days later .Fingers crossed for positive outcome.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nana T

    That should have read polyps are more often  non cancerous as apposed to malignant.

  • FormerMember

    Hi I'm back again. On Friday I was put under GA and had 2 small polyps and a biopsy of the uterus removed. the form I took home from hospital said they will write to me with the results and that. Cavity atrophic with 2 tiny polyps noted, not sure if this is something to worry about , not that I'm not worrying, as Im sure eryone who comes to this site is worrying.

    Nana T x