"It's atypical"

Less than one minute read time.

So my GP tells me I will need to be referred to an ENT specialist, with "more or less urgency". Next day her secretary calls to say the hospital need to see me within two weeks, so I have to call her back if I haven't heard within a few days. I immediately Google "urgent referrals" and learn all about the two-week pathway for "suspected cancer". Blind panic ensues, until I see that only 10% of people referred under this regime will have cancer. So I calm myself down for a while, and wait patiently for the phone to ring.

Several days later I call back the GP surgery as there is no news from the hospital. She does some ringing around then calls me back to say my appointment will be two days later and a letter will be sent in the post. "But you must go, even if you don't get the letter, you must go." I am a bit worried at the urgency, but remind myself that there's a 90% chance that I haven't got cancer....