19th July 2017

1 minute read time.

Hello my name is Cancer and I am hiding secretly. Dont tell anyone I am here please as SHE doesnt know yet he he! :-)

I have been growing for a few months now in her left breast. Its nice and warm in here and I feel all cosy and warm.

I decided to grow here as she has big boobies and I like the big squashy ones. Its much easier to hide in these than those skinny pert tiny ones but I do have some friends who prefer those.Each to their own I suppose!

Today we are going for a routine screening, This is when I often get found out. I made her miss the one last year which was fun. She is getting old now, well past her prime (although she wont admit it and acts like a silly 20 year old half the time! ) She is very forgetful and didnt even realise she should have been checked stupid woman.

I am going to do my best to hide when the radiographer does her checks. I really hate those hard x ray plates, they squash me and I can hardly breathe.

She is wearing one of those ridiculous gowns ha ha what a sight she looks!

She thinks this is a run of the mill appointment too busy thinking about her holiday next week to even give me a thought. 

Well I'll show her, I'll bring her down a peg or two. I am fed up of her being happy and content with her life. She needs a wake up call and by jo she's going to get one thats for sure.

Wish me luck!
