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I have come to the site, like many others I am sure, looking for information that might help me to understand what I should expect. I kind of have a diagnosis, its definantly cancer from the biopsys, its hormone responsive and HER2+, ive had a ct scan last sunday but still dont have the results of that. I was expecting bad news from the biopsies and am prepared to fight. I am trying to stay positive, to be really strong and just get on with what needs to be done, but as you all know, it is hard. I'm mostly worried as I have been going to gp since last October 2016 complaining that something wasn't right and they've done exams and said that all was OK and that as I was only 46/47 was too young for mammogram? Great! Just great, now I'm faced with the fear that because it's HER2+ has it spread like Japanese knot weed? Damn

  • FormerMember

    Morning Caz / owsmum

    Warm welcome to the club no one wants to join :(

    Sorry to read you are HER2+ and have heart issues to be figured out regarding chemo and herceptin later on.

    There is a very active (and friendly) Breast Group here (link) you should check out and join to get the best support and advice from those going through the same sort of treatments and concerns.

    The CT scan is standard for anyone facing chemo and although any hot spots could show up please look at this as them looking to rule cancer spread out rather than expecting to find it.  J my better half was diagnosed with HER2+ and ER+ way back in May 2012.

    Luckily most breast cancers including her2+ are still fairly slow growing.

    Look forward to seeing you in the breast group - if you copy your message above into a New Discussion there, you will soon get replies as it is a busy group.

    Take care and good luck with those results, G n' J