Lung cancer and me.

1 minute read time.

6 years ago i was diagnosed with lung cancer. I had a significant tumour on the bottom lobe of my left lung. The tumour, known to me and my daughter from the day it was discovered as Terry the tumour, was surgically removed along with the bittom lobe of my lung.

Cancer cells were found in one if the sample lymph nodes that were removed so I started adjuvent chemo. One session and it was stopped because i had a bad allergic reaction.

Things were fine for 3 years then my specialist thought he could see some changes on my latest xray. The experts assured him things were fine but he did another xray 3 months later as a precaution. Good job he did because my lungs were both covered in tiny spots. The only thing was that they were perfect ragged edges the way cancer usually presents. Anyway a biopsy....the tale if that is worth telling another day....showed that it was cancer.

So no chemo due to allergy, too many spots to be treated with radiotherapy, looked like I was doomed. 

Anyway they tested to see if I matched for targeted therapy. A 6% chance that I matched. And i did.

3 years of taking gefitinib with amazing results apart from when one patch of my right lung stopped responding and I had to have radiotherapy on 2 new nodules...christened Bert and Ernie...the treatment seemed to deal with them and dispatch them.

In June I developed hand and foot syndrome . I had a 2 week break from gefitinib and then was put on a reduced dose.

On monday my latest scan results showed 2 new tumours, the largest about 1cm. So it looks as if the gefitinib has stopped working. 

I am having a PET scan on wednesday. Blood tests on Monday to test for compatibility with osimertinib...another targeted therapy drug...with about 49% chance of matching. My samples from my last biopsy and my operation are being tested for compatibility with immunotherapy.... didnt know they hung on to such things for so long....and I am back on the full dose of gefitinib because although my oncologist doesnt think the new tumours are anything to do with the break and reduction in dose it is worth trying.

I am just hoping that my guardian angel....believe me I must have one to have got this far....isnt too knackered and is still looking after me.
