Lung cancer bone metastasis

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I'm so lost right now. Hubby was diagnosed with lung cancer end january he did really well on chemo and radiotherapy however a pet scan revealed it had spread to rib pelvis and t7 in spine my world has fallen apart.  He is due to have bone biopsy end August to detect if he has pd1 and if so imunotherapy will be used fingers crossed.

He is in so much pain finding it hard to stand up and walk he has no strength in his legs. We have nurses coming round on Wednesday so will ask about stronger pain medication. It's so hard seeing a loved one in so much pain and feeling useless that you can't help. We were doing so well and now this. just hoping pd1 is present as imunotherapy has been proved to have good results.

Has anyone on here had imunotherspy? Has anyone had bone metastasis and if so how did they feel were they very weak in their legs and in pain and what medication were they on.  Sorry for so many questions I'm just so lost at the moment and finding it hard to cope. Tracy x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Trace1505,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. Please know that we are here for you both, let us know if there's anything we can do.

    I'm also sorry to see that you haven't received any replies yet. I can see from your profile that you're a member of the Lung cancer forum (Group) group - can I suggest you start a new discussion in there? Click through to the group by clicking its name, and then click 'Start a discussion' at the top of the page. I know that some of the members of the group have experiences of immunotherapy, so they might be able to help by sharing their stories.

    If you'd like to speak to a nurse or adviser about immunotherapy, please do give the Macmillan support line a call (freephone 0808 808 0000, Monday to Friday, 9am-8pm). They're great listening ears and can signpost you onto further information if you feel you need it.

    Best wishes,

    Online Community Officer

  • FormerMember

    Dear Trace, I'm sorry to hear your news. Starting a thread on the lung cancer forum is a great idea. Talking to people who are going through the same thing is a real help. Good luck and God bless you both.