
1 minute read time.

Ok so I'm now 7 months into treatment for a wild type metastatic GIST and it has been a long 7 months.

How it started: In July 2016 I had a MRI scan on my bowels and a colonoscopy because I had been having stomach cramps for around 3 years. Shortly after I went to see the gastro doctor who told me all was fine. Few! That's a relief! Or so I thought! Happy days of discovering there were no nasties in my bowels were short lived wehn he proceeded to tell me that the MRI had caught a small section of my liver and he wasn't happy with what he was seeing. So off I went and waited for an appointment for another MRI. The appointment came and again I went to see the gastro docto, who then showed me the image of my liver- 8 small tumour. "Don't worry" he said, "we'll get a liver biopsy done and it will probably all be fine." The liver biopsy happened and again I went back to the gastro docto. This time he wasn't so positive. He proceeded to tell me that I had a rare cancer (I can't remember the name). Later that week I had a camera down my throat to check there weren't any nasties in my stomach and low and behold they found a small tumour in my stomach. Now it was close to Christmas! I was sent for a PEC scan to check that there were no more nasties in my body. At last some good news! Everywhere else was fine. On the 22nd of December I finally had a full diagnosis Wild Type GIST with metas secondaries in my liver. Then the next blow came- the words that body wants to hear! NO CURE. Wow! Now here I am 7 months late. Every day I get up have breakfast and take my daily tablet Gleevec. I have monthly blood test to monitor my liver, kidney and white blood count and to date have had 3 CT scans to check for changes to the tumours. So far so good! Now just to wait for my appointment next week to find out if there have been any change.

  • FormerMember

    So tomorrow is result day. Will I sleep tonight? Probably not! Will is be good or bad news? Who knows? Surely if it was bad they would already have told me? I have too many questions!

  • FormerMember

    Waiting is the worst part! I actually feel like a parrot now because that's all I say. Oncologist has just cancelled my appointment for today and it is now going to be on Friday. I am a bag a nerves and can't stop crying.

  • FormerMember

    Are you getting some results from the Gleevec, galaxy10?  Also, has anyone suggested trying to find a GIST specialist?  My own first few months following the discovery of a cyst on my liver were filled with uncertainty and confusion similar to yours, but now I am seeing a specialist who knows far more than most oncologists.

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I'm nearly eighteen months in from diagnosis of a large Gist and have been on gleevec 400mg since then.

    My tumour responded really well, shrinking by 50% and loosing density. It's been like that now for a year!

    My next CT is on March 7th and my next Appointment the following week.

    As it gets closer I think more about this being the one where something's changed.

    But on the whole I'd say I've become more used to it. I'm not sure if desensitised is the right word, but it's got easier. I hope it does for you too.