NO fear

3 minute read time.

Cancer am not here to give medical advice. I am here to hopefully ease any fears of the unknown This is a true story about about a gift I was given . I have believed in God heaven and hell all of it. and it scared me because there was always enough room for doubt to creep in and scare me with the unknown. But now there is 0 doubt in my life. and man it feels great not to have to worry about death or if heaven is real I KNOW IT IS. My mother passed away 4 years ago. she was late 80s and in bad health she had a massive stroke that left her brain dead and her body locked in position unable to move,,,,,,, Me and my family were in the hospital room with my mother hooked to a life machine that kept her breathing . as I held one had my niece held the other and my sister was at the foot of the bed. AS we made the decision to let my mother go and remove life support ....We stayed with my mother still holding her hands and at the foot of the bed all you could hear was the steady beat of the heart monitor .. All of a sudden I was filled with a feeling of warmth happiness and joy which seemed like it lasted for along time . but in reality probably only seconds have gone by...... me and my niece looked at each other and said at the same time did you feel that I felt odd but as I turned around with what I felt was a smile on my face to the rest of the family and said mom is gone.....

They gave me a look like what do you mean then I realized there was still a steady heart beat on the heart monitor But I knew the heart monitor was wrong and mom was gone.

So I asked for some one to call the doctor the doctor came in and said yes your mother has passed What me and my family did not know is that the pace maker she had needed to be turned off manually after death or it would keep on beating ..

This is how I knew without a doubt that the heart monitor was wrong , and my mother was gone my mother left me a gift of knowing without any room for doubt her spirit transferred the knowledge of a after life it was like she said to me its true God is real heaven is real there is no death just a knew beginning .

I believed she knew I would need to have that knowledge to keep my sanity in the near future. And she was right a few years later the hardiest thing in life happened to me I lost one of my son"s but my mother:s gift of knowledge of knowing without a doubt saved me I knew my son was ok even better then ok he was perfect in a perfect place.

So when I went to the doctors to get the results why my leg was swollen and neck and groin there was 3 of them my regular doctor a doctor I did not know and a grief counselor. They told me I had cancer and prepared for a reaction I guess. but all I said was ok now what. And you know I haven't ask God to heal me because I know he will do whats best for me Believe in the Lord and Have NO FEAR and have no Worry;s God is real

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