Getting closer

Less than one minute read time.

I have just 3 RT sessions to go! My skin has coped very well and I have been using the R1 and R2 creams religiously! I have used double the sachets of moisturiser and although it itches a little, I am not sore and there is hardly a difference in colour to the skin, apart from my underarm, which is very dark. I have felt very well throughout and hardly tired at all. The Herceptin injections seem to be not going so well, as both times, i have been sick on the way home and again around 40 hours later. They have suggested that it may be the preservatives used in the injection, so think the infusion would be better, but I want to give it one more go, before I let them hook me up! I feel really well and have loads of energy again. I am loving being back at work and feel useful again. Life resumes! X
