Drowning in beurocracy

1 minute read time.

Lets try to explain

 This is Queen Elizabeth Trust Kings Lynn

 Here  we are  having had a seizure on 18 of June still not  having a prognosis, diagnosed or having a consultant to discuss my health with

 They tell me I am priority as I have a brain tumour and a lung tumour , they have doe just about every test on me except a brain biopsy

 What have they achieved? NOTHING.

Here  sit at home  a virtual prisoner  of my family who are afraid to let me do the smallest task as the hospital have told them to watch me at all times

 What does one do Today they hold a fifth MDT meeting about my treatment this time Oncology, I just wonder how many other departments they can refer to

I have complained to my MP, newspapers and the trust, The Chief Executive promised to telephone me last Friday however he had better things to do  (go on holiday) I finally get a call on Tuesday when I rock the boat again  from the Clinical Director  who says a full investigation has been launched , he will deal with It

 Queens have already sent My file to Addenbrooks to neurology ( for the second tIme ) for an DT yesterday and you will get a call


I telephoned in and was told referred back to Queens MDT today

 All the time I am losing  a little more mobility, getting the shakes , my anger  levels are up and my eyesight from my new glasses seems to be a little poorer

 Is this the NHS? or are they just decided that at 73  if they take a few more weeks they can refer me to the mortuary one less to treat

 Anyone else had this problem , if so I would dearly like to know where to go next

  • FormerMember

    This is absolutely appalling!!

    I think my next move would be the press if I'm honest.

    I've got a gob on me. Not in a rough way but I don't ask anymore, I tell. It's the only way you're going togetbwhat you want.

    I'd be in the hospital screaming my head off if I were you and I literally mean, shouting so everyone can hear. I'm not scared of anything and that has come from being messed about to the point where my doctors negligence and not wanting to bother with me, made me paraplegic and in 24/7 pain for life. I refuse to be treated as a nobody ever again.

    I wish you all the love and luck in the world. Xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi ParaArcher

    Thanks for the reply  its lonely out here

     Yesterday they held another MDT meeting At Queens

     They admitted that they had mucked up  as I had no Oncologist

     So they appointed one  who went on holiday last night, As there is only one at the hospital they are getting a stand in on Monday

    They tell me they will phone me Monday

     The only thing that has come out of the meeting is that I am inoperable

     We have papers involved  and my MP has broken his holiday to get involved

    My GP has reported them  and there is a n investigation  at Queens  by the Clinical Director but its tick  tick  goes the clock 

    You take care as well xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi ParaArcher

    Last Thursday whilst doing battle on the telephone with the Chief Executive  who should walk into his office but the Regional Cancer Executive (this was around 3.30 pm)

     Thirty minutes later  the lady was on the telephone to me  to say she had called for all my notes by 5pm that day

     At 1o am on Friday the lady telephoned  back, I had a meeting at Addenbrooks with the Cancer specialist nurse in Neurology   for yesterday

     When I arrived it had changed , not the nurse but the head of Neurological surgery

     We spent an hour together  , the result being the brain operation will take place as soon as possible after preop and CT mapping however before the bank holiday weekend

     All the rubbish that queens have given me was contradicted at the meeting although we tried to focus on the actual need

     The statement Inoperable  was now straight choice operation to remove the tumour so no brainer (excuse the pun)

    The trust will be holding a full investigation. This does however seem to be a total failure of regionalization

     However  I now see the beginning of the light

  • FormerMember

    Hi all

     I am now six weeks past the brain op. Just for inforrmation  whilst the trust was fiddling about the tumour  doubled in size

     I was out of hospital in 3 days 

     Next week  I am six weeks out from the brain op  and will have the lug tumour removed

     An interesting  point came up in my per op conversation with the nurse 

    The surgeon  had  seen 4 old blighters  at surgery with me   and I was the only one he would operate on  due to my attitude and  determination

     Moral of the story  never give up

  • FormerMember

    hi  all

     Been busy  reorgnizing   Hospital  and  treatment  plan  after the debacle with the Oncologists at Queens Kings Lynn

     For those of you who need a refresher  since  June this has been  fight againt missmanagement  of my cancer   and lack of communication  since my seizure in June

     Some  six weeks  ago  my GP  asked  the Oncologist to send me forr  a brain scan   as  I had reported to both the GP and the Oncologist  that  an area of my left leg had gone numb. The oncologist had dismissed it as nothing , however the GP was concerned 

     After a week passed  and no booking  the GP sent a curt letteer to the Oncologist  who promptly booked    a CT  just to find th brain tumour had reurned 

     I was placeed back on  Steroids  , double dosee  and he  booked  an immediate MRI however he forgot  I was only 4 weeks post op frrom the lung tumour

     Fortunatetly I had had  a discussion with the Radiologist  and had made her  aware of the operation 

     On checking with  Norfolk and Norwich University Hopital  who carried out th op  she found I had metal clips in my lung  whicch may have dislodged and would have torn my lung open  the result  i would not like to contemplate

     I waited  for the six week healing process   then  the  MRI was  safe to proceed 

     Only trouble  the Oncologist  hd booked the wrong type  of scan  so  the MRI had to be redone the  next  day with the dye test

     Which by the way  i could not have had the first day as they had rrun out of dye

     I was  having some problem  with breathing due to the steroids  so whilst  I was erly for the second MRI  I poppd in to see the Oncologists   and  the  doctor who saw me poo pooed the suggestion that the steroids were causing  the breathing probem even though I had carefully  reserched  the Hide effects

     he waanted to stop the MRI  take blood,do an ECG  an  god knows  what . . I walked out  and went to have the  scan

     I had  in the mean time developed  a conversatoin  with  Addenbrookss  Hospital that hd removed the brian tumour  after the ten week debacle back in June and it ws suggested to me that  aI ask for  a referal  from my GP for  a second opinpion

     which was requested  the very next day.

     In th mean time  Addenbrooks had booked an MDT meeting  for the very next day to  discuss the MRI result 

     I was told the scan result would be there  for the nine  am meeting  Kings failedd to send  it so the meeting was posponed for  a week

     Ber in mind I bave an aggresive toumur  which doubles in size every eight  weeks  and had already grown to   a centimetre  whilst  I understandably waited for the lung healing process

     I have sacked the ONcologist at Queens  for my own  safety

     The MDT  at Addennbrooks  took place  Last Thursday  and  I was requested to  attend a  meeting wtih the Neurologicl  Radiologist   on the monday by telephone

     After seeing him   I was immediately given  an appointment to have  a type of steriotactic  surgery   and returned to Addenbrooks yesterday tto have  an MRI   a  positioning mask and  a CT to  mark the tumour to be zapped

    What  a difference in treaatment and care

     On 11tth ,13th,  and 15tth  I hve the radiology  to kill it

     I also now have  a new Oncolologist   at Addenbrooks a  Collorectal Oncologist who will take over my care from the 19th of this month

     So the moral of the story   . Stay in control yyourselves  , make sure that  the  doctors that are treating you  are  acually  in control of all the  facts 

     Make sure you pick the right hospital

     Anyway I will  stay srong  and vigilent  , I will never give up this fight

     PMA   and good luck to you all